Year 4

The Year 4 teachers for 2023-4 are Mr James Middleton and Mr Thomas Youdan/Mrs Rukhsana Rehman who job share. Mr Youdan teaches 4YR on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, while Mrs Rehman teaches 4YR on Thursday and Friday. Please speak directly to a member of the teaching team if you have any queries or concerns. 

Year 4 is also supported by Miss Elizabeth Bourke, Mrs Indra Hogg, Mrs Sana Naz and Mrs Ana Semedo.

The LKS2 Phase Leader is Mr Thomas Youdan; he will try to help you, if the class teacher is unable to do so. His direct e-mail address is If you have any further suggestions on how we can develop communication, please let us know.

Curriculum information:

Find out what's happening - whole school key dates 2023-24.

Learn more about life in Year 4 - Year 4 Summer newsletter

Learn more about what is being taught - Year 4 Long Term Plan

Year 4 Low Mill Presentation for September - May 2024


Links to our learning:

Please take the time to have a look at some of the exciting things that Year 4 children have been getting up to this year.


Deepening knowledge of Viking raiders – a Viking workshop

Computing – making stop motion animation films

History – considering the lives of Anglo-Saxon settlers

World Book Day 2024 – appreciating books through dance

Physical Education – specialist cricket coaching

Art and Design – making Anglo Saxon Brooches

The importance of oracy - No Pens Wednesday

Practical learning in maths - Roman numerals

Connected Curriculum Art - the Land of Ice and Fire

Religion and World Views – learning about Hinduism  

Design Technology - earthquake resistant buildings

Sharing our learning: Locating Volcanoes Curriculum Showcase

International Day of languages – celebrating diversity and culture

Learning new techniques in art - using colour to create mood

Developing metacognition - How to Get Unstuck

Be inspired - a visit from the world's tallest basketball player

Democracy in action - school councillor elections



DB Primary:

On DB Primary, the children can also upload/download their learning, find a range of online activities to support key skills, and access Remote Home Learning. Click here.