Year 6

The Year 6 teachers for 2023-24 are Miss Isobel MacDonald and Miss Verity Wilford. In addition, Mr Jude Rivers is teaching an English group. Please speak directly to a member of the teaching team if you have any queries or concerns. 

Year 6 is also supported by Mr Daniel Clark, Miss Imogen Lewis and Mrs Joyce Russell.

The UKS2 Phase Leader is Mr Jude Rivers; he will try to help you, if the class teacher is unable to do so. His direct e-mail address is If you have any further suggestions on how we can develop communication, please let us know.

Curriculum information:

Find out what's happening - whole school key dates 2023-24

Learn more about life in Year 6 - Year 6 Summer newsletter

Learn more about what is being taught - Year 6 Long Term Plan

Year 6 Relationships and Keeping Safe presentation - May 2024


Links to our learning: new content coming soon

Please take the time to have a look at some of the exciting things that Year 6 children have been getting up to this year.


Science – forces, levers, pulleys and gears a strand of physics

Art and design – making plaster of Paris seals  

Speaking and listening in English - formal debating teams

Bamboo Tamboo – widening the music curriculum

The Climate Emergency – empowering the next generation

Learning and performing poetry by heart – a strand of KS2 English

DT: cooking savoury meals, and an appreciation of WWII rationing

Memorable trips: Year 6 learn about WWII by visiting Eden Camp

Year 6 maths competition at Roundhay High School

Investigative science - animals, including humans topic

Geography – using fieldwork to deepen knowledge of the local economy

Understanding the Climate Crisis and how to reduce impact

An inspirational visit from the world’s tallest basketball player

Metacognitive learning – getting oneself unstuck

Developing character through additional responsibilities


DB Primary:

On DB Primary, the children can also upload/download their learning, find a range of online activities to support key skills, and access Remote Home Learning. Click here.