
The school Governing Body has developed a policy to provide a suitably supportive environment for children with medical conditions, so that they can access and enjoy the same opportunities at school as any other child. Many of the medical conditions that require support at school will affect quality of life. The focus is on the needs of each individual child and how their medical condition impacts on their school life. Close co-operation between Talbot Primary School, parents/carers, health professionals and other agencies is actively promoted to meet these needs.
As administering medicines is a voluntary role, the school will always endeavour to meet these needs but may, on occasion, be unable to do so.

Please see the Supporting children with medical conditions policy on the Policy page of the website.  


Prescription Medicines

Medicines will only be accepted if they are in-date, labelled clearly with the child’s name, provided in an original container (as dispensed by the pharmacist) and include instructions for administration, dosage and storage. The exception to this is insulin which must be still be in date, clearly labelled and included in an Individual Healthcare Plan but can be accepted inside an insulin pen or pump. Where the administration of the medicine can be facilitated, a parent/carer must complete a Request for School to Administer/Supervise Medicine (Form 3a)
The school will not accept medicines that have been taken out of the container as originally dispensed nor make changes to prescribed dosages, regardless of parental instruction.
If the period of administering medicine is 8 days or more, there must be an Individual Healthcare Plan, excluding inhalers except in cases of acute asthma

Please click the link to the form - Request to Administer Medication in school (form 3a)


Non-prescription Medicines

Non-prescribed medicines will not be administered or supervised on a regular basis and can only be by arrangement with the Headteacher. These include cough sweets, cough medicines, pain killers and skin creams (this list is not exhaustive). If a parent/carer considers non-prescription medication is a requirement for their child they should contact the Headteacher directly, for their request to be considered.