World Nursery Rhyme Week – an introduction to poetry

Reception love celebrating this exciting week every year, which supports phonics knowledge and the learning of repeated rhymes.

During the world-wide celebrations, children learn a new nursery rhyme each day. They have lots of fun, because the rhymes often have additional humorous verses. The children especially enjoyed a new version of Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, where the body parts were slowly replaced with silly noises. By the end, everyone was singing: “woof, meow, boing, splat, oooh, pardon, yippee and achoo!”

Reception children also dressed up and sang the rhyme “we belong to” and performed it across the phase, as they visited each other and saw many of their brothers, sisters or friends in Nursery. Rhymes covered included “Bo Peep”, “Cats and fiddles”, “Jack and his pail of water” and “The Grand Old Duke of York” to name but a few.

Here is the link to the website, so you can join in the fun with your children.