Personal safety – learning about road safety, including the Green Cross Code

School places a high emphasis on teaching the children how to be safe and make good decisions.  During National Road Safety Week, Reception took the opportunity to practise the ‘Green Cross Code’ and learn how to ‘Stop!, Look!, Listen!’.

A zebra crossing and other signs were set up in the outdoor area, and everyone took turns to drive or ride the vehicles round the island and stop for pedestrians, so they could practise crossing the road safely. The children and teachers also discussed the importance of waiting for adults before crossing a road, and why wearing seatbelts in cars or helmets for cycling and scooting was important too.

The children are always excited to have a special visit from the police, who also talked to us about road safety. The officer explained how wearing reflective items in the dark could help them be seen, whether walking, riding or scooting around.