An inspirational visit from the world's tallest basketball player

In the first week back after summer, Year 3 were lucky to have a visit from professional basketballer Paul Sturgess. 

Paul did an assembly where he gave the children some amazing facts about himself: he is the tallest basketballer in the world, and he played for a number of teams in America, including the world-famous Harlem Globetrotters. Paul shared some of his knowledge, teaching Year 3 some basketball skills.

Paul shared how being so tall was special, because his difference gave him opportunities. He urged everyone to make the most of their unique skills or attributes. Paul is proud of his height and of how much he has managed to achieve by being so tall.

Paul has now retired from professional basketball and is pursuing a film career; he has appeared in Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power and Fantastic Beasts. Look out for Paul next time you are watching these programmes.