World Book Day 2024 – fostering the love of reading

Year 3 enjoyed celebrating World Book Day 20024, alongside the rest of the school. With the help of the wonderful grown-ups at home, they came to school dressed up as their favourite characters from a myriad of stories and novels.

In the morning, Year 3 had fun playing ‘Guess Who,’ where they wrote down 3 things about a book character, and the rest of the class had to guess the identity.

In the afternoon, year 3 designed their own graphic novels (which was a particular theme of this World Book Day), and they created their own characters and story lines. They enjoyed decorating them with bright, bold pictures. Later, the children put these into a booklet, so that they could read through everyone’s imaginative ideas in class.

This high-profile event, gave the children in Year 3 the opportunity to talk about and reflect upon the importance and enjoyment of books. Developing a love of reading is vitally important, so that children get into good reading habits from an early age, making it sustainable into adulthood.