Science – changing states (a strand of chemistry)

The Year 3 Science topic in the Spring term was on States of Matter. This is a highly investigative topic and the practical nature supports the development of many working scientifically skills.

The children began the topic by identifying and classifying a range of solids, liquids and gases, then explored how the particles that make up each type of matter were arranged. Following this, the children planned and carried out a range of practical experiments related changing matter. These included:

  • changing a solid to a liquid by melting ice cubes to rescue Lego figures
  • investigating the different melting points of different materials by testing how quickly they melted
  • changing a liquid to a solid with friction, when making ice-cream.
  • changing a liquid to a gas by evaporating the water from some Minions’ socks

The learning was then brought together by thinking about the changing states of water within the Water Cycle, and discussing ‘why the sea doesn’t dry up’.

Finally, the classes thought about the Climate Emergency and how significant human made changes to the climate are affecting the water cycle. The children had some detailed discussions about global warming, and considered what they and their families could do at home and at school to slow this process down. Year 3 now appreciate that if humans reduce their impact on the climate, it will reduce extreme weather events, such as droughts, storms and flooding in the future.