

At Talbot, our maths curriculum aims to provide children with a solid understanding of the subject, which they can apply to a variety of situations. Each day, the pupils have a 15-minute maths fluency session which consolidates their understanding of basic maths skills and mental strategies, such as times tables. This is followed by an hour-long maths lesson in which children are taught the national curriculum objectives. A combination of concrete apparatus, pictorial aids and abstract problems are used to ensure that the children have a deep and rich understanding of maths, which they are able to show in a variety of ways.   As with all areas of the curriculum, language plays a huge part in maths, and we aim to provide our pupils with the vocabulary that they need to articulate their mathematical ideas.

Maths long term plan

Vertical progression in maths is outlined in the long term plan. It is based on the White Rose Model but adapted to match the teaching and learning philosophy at Talbot Primary School and includes many enrichment opportunities.

Maths Calculation Policy

Talbot's Maths Calculation Policy shows the main methods we use in each year group. 


Times Tables

Information about the importance of times table revision, and links to online games to make the learning of times tables more enjoyable.


Fluency objectives for year groups

Information about the importance of fluency, and how it is taught at Talbot Primary School..


End of Year Expectations

For information regarding end of year age-expectations, including maths,


Support for tricky terminology

"The School Run" website can help parents and pupils with the trickier elements of mathematical terminology; it is explained with helpful examples. 


Free online revision tool for maths

Revise any maths skill from the National Curriculum on IXL. Pupils can do 10 questions per day, for free.