Art and design – layered street art inspired by Space

Following on from learning about Earth and Space in Science, Year 5 looked at the concept of street art and spray painting. Linking the two sets of work meant the children could apply knowledge across both subjects, as part of their connected curriculum learning.

Year 5 looked at the work of different street artists, including Banksy and Joel Chavez, and they made observations about the style, techniques and colours used in the process of creating street art. This research provided the background knowledge the children need to come up with their own pieces of artwork in a similar style.

To begin the process, Year 5 made space inspired stencils and cut them out ready to build a space landscape. Colours were then chosen and ‘sprayed’ onto the plain background, using a paintbrush to flick the paint. Impressive layers were created, using a mixture of vibrant colours, which were built upon further to create fantastic effects. A similar technique will be used later in the year, to create larger versions using spray paints. This will move their creativity and technical skills even further on.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the creative (and messy!) sessions.